School of Health Sciences Discipline Selection

Congratulations on your provisional approval to progress to discipline courses with the School of Health Sciences. Please follow the steps below in order to complete the progression process. Program Orientation will be held on Tuesday, July 9th from 9:30 am until 1:00 pm in Room 3101 (Medical Campus). We will see you there! 

Please begin completing All Steps Below (these steps do not have to be completed before Orientation):

Please complete All Steps Below:

  1. Response
    • To submit your Response please visit the link in Progression email you received.
  2. Level Two Background Screening
    • Complete and clear the Interstate Background Research (IBR) Level Two criminal background screening. The cost for the background screening is approximately $63. You will need to schedule an appointment for the background screening.
  3. Student Health Record
    • The **Student Health Record must be taken to a health care provider (Physician, Nurse Practitioner, or Physician Assistant) to be completed.
      **All necessary guidelines regarding the completion of the student health record can be found on the front page of the student health record.
  4. Titers/Tests/Vaccines
    • Provide supporting documentation for the following:
      1. Varicella (Chicken Pox), Mumps, Rubeola (Measles), and Rubella (German Measles) blood titer lab results
      2. Two current (within the past 3 months) consecutive TB skin tests (at least 7 days apart) or the QuantiFERON test
      3. A minimum of a 10-panel drug screening results
      4. Hepatitis B vaccine series
      5. Tdap vaccination within ten (10) years
  5. Helpful Information
    • Students are encouraged to apply as early as possible for Financial Aid and to apply for Scholarships. Please visit the financial Aid and scholarships websites for additional information
  6. Carefully plan your calendar to attend the following Orientation
  7. Program Orientation will be held on Tuesday, July 9th from 9:30 am until 1:00 pm in Room 3101 (Medical Campus).

Should you have any questions, please contact Student Services Assistant:

Roxanne Alexis

Inetha Howard