We Build MDC

March 5th, 2020 | Gymnasium | Kendall Campus

We Build MDC

Welcome Session

All attendees will meet in the gymnasium for the Plenary Session. The Keynote Speaker, Jeffrey Selingowill speak about the future trends in Colleges and specifically about the Community College sector as American higher education undergoes its latest transformation in response to economic, technological and demographic shifts.  He will engage us in an examination of the enduring values of a higher education, such as the Liberal Arts and Humanities, in a world that increasingly requires technical and scientific abilities. He will also discuss the changing nature of learners, of learning itself, and of workplaces that will challenge colleges to find new ways to be effective.  He will leave us with strategies for colleges that will prepare them to help students succeed.  His talk is titled, "Building the Future of Higher Education: The Role of Community Colleges.” 

Sessions A and B: Concurrent Workshops

We invited nationally recognized academic and student services professionals to join our internal facilitators to present a day of learning and development. Participants may select from approximately 40 concurrent sessions on a variety of topics. Sessions consist of carefully crafted, activity-driven workshops. All of them focus on transferable skill building and integrated approaches to support student success. 

Session C: Discipline & Department Meetings

This time has been set aside for participants to share ideas for applying the strategies learned in Breakout Sessions A & B. Academic Disciplines, Professional Schools and Programs, Campus Services, as well as Student Support Services and District Service Areas will review and revise (as needed) their annual action plan commitments to implement the 2015–2020 College-wide Strategic Plan.