Assessment, Evaluation, and Testing

Placement Guide for Adult Basic Education (ABE)

MDC administers TABE Forms 11 and 12 with locator. The TABE 11 & 12 locator has one locator test—divided into three sections—one each for reading, mathematics, and language. Each locator sub-test will determine the appropriate level of the TABE test that the student should take. As of March 6, 2023 students pre-testing for ABE only test for TABE Math and Reading.  Post-testing in the two skill areas began Summer 2023.  The TABE retesting guidelines below are followed for Adult Basic Education (ABE) program.

  • Students post-testing in ABX 0140, and ABX0440 must take TABE levels “D” or “A”.
  • Completion of a prescribed remediation program consisting of at least 50 hours of instruction for levels 1-4 and 30 hours for levels 5-6 is required prior to retesting with a minimum 30-day period between retests. Note: Most MDC adult education classes require at least 60 hours of instruction.
  • The same TABE Form and Level should not be administered within a six-month period.  Remediation should include at least 40 hours of instruction between pre/and post-testing, using an alternate version of the TABE and at least 120 hours of instruction when using the same level and same form. 
  • Post-testing must only be used for a promotion to a new level or retention in the same level.

When a test administration results in a score, including those that begin with a “+” or “-“, that is within the allowable range for the Test Level and Form, the score is reported with a “0” in the first field followed by the three digit score. Students with an in-range high score (+) may be retested one time with a higher TABE Level without being assessed a retesting fee or placed in the highest valid level for the TABE level test.  The relationship between TABE scores and NRS levels can be found in Placement Criteria Appendix H

TABE 11&12 Grade Range Scale Score Guidance and TABE 11 & 12 Scoring Levels: Best Practice Guidelines are available via the College’s TABE webpage.

The ABE Course Placement Guide is used for placement in the ABE program.

Course Placement Guide: ABE
Skill AreaTABE 11 & 12 Scale ScoresLiteracy Completion PointCourse Placement
Math 300-448 1 ABX 0110 - Beginning ABE Literacy
449-495 2 ABX 0120 - Beginning Basic Education
496-536 3 ABX 0130 - Low Intermediate Basic Education
537-595 4 ABX 0140 - High Intermediate Basic Education

Reasoning Through

Language Arts

300-441 1 ABX 0410 - Beginning ABE Literacy
442-500 2 ABX 0420 - Beginning Basic Education
501-535 3 ABX 0430 - Low Intermediate Basic Education
536-575 4 ABX 0440 - High Intermediate Basic Education

Note: As of March 6, 2023, students pre-testing for ABE only test for TABE Math and Reading.  Post-testing in the two skill areas began in Summer 2023.

When a test administration results in a score that is lower than the allowable range for the Test Level and Form, and no score is provided or the score indicates a score of N/A, the score is reported with a “1” followed by the lowest score value for the TABE Level and Form. To assist with determining the correct out of range scores to report, refer to Placement Criteria Appendix H.  TABE Levels Literacy (L) and Easy (E) do not have OOR Low scores.  As of Summer 2023, there is no longer a difference between paper and online OOR scores.  Students with an out-of-range low or no score must be retested one time with a lower TABE Level no sooner than the next day and prior to enrollment or by the 100% refund date for the adult education term without being assessed a retesting fee.  If the retest results in another OOR score, place student into the lowest valid level of the lower TABE level test.

When a test administration results in a score that is higher than the allowable range for the Test Level and Form, and no score is provided, the score is reported with a “9” followed by the highest score value for the TABE Level and Form. To assist with determining the correct out of range scores to report, refer to the TABE OOR table in Appendix H (TABE Out-of-Range Low and High Score Reported and Re-testing Guide).  TABE Level Advanced (A) does not have OOR High scores.  As of Summer 2023, there is no longer a difference between paper and online OOR scores.  Students with an out-of-range high or no score must be retested one time with a higher TABE Level no sooner than the next day and prior to enrollment or by the 100% refund date for the adult education term without being assessed a retesting fee.  If the retest results in another OOR score, place student into the highest valid NRS level of the higher TABE level test.  For example, if a student tests with form 11 medium level and gets an OOR High score, the student should retest at the difficult level form.  To see the appropriate forms, OOR scores, and NRS level for OOR, please refer to the NRS links in Placement Criteria Appendix H.