Student Life

Clubs and Organizations
Each campus has a culture that is as diverse as its student body. Each offers opportunities for teamwork and leadership.
The Mission of the Benjamín León School of Nursing Alumni Association of Miami-Dade College is to foster a lifelong relationship between Alumni and their School of Nursing; to promote a spirit of loyalty and fraternity among graduates, students, and friends; and to encourage members to maintain personal involvement in the activities of the School of Nursing.
The following represent the specific goals of the Benjamín León School of Nursing (SON) Alumni Association of Miami-Dade College.
Goal I: Service to Alumni:
- Encourage strong advocacy (new equipment, scholarships) network
- Promote good social connections
- Offer career networking/mentoring
- Support Lifelong learning
Goal II: Service to the Benjamín León School of Nursing:
- Sponsor Fundraising Activities
- Instill Pride in and Advocacy for School of Nursing
Goal III: Alumni Association Board Membership:
- Sustain membership of the Benjamín León School of Nursing Alumni Board
- Diversify membership of the Benjamín León School of Nursing Alumni Board
- Develop formal liaison with the Benjamín León School of Nursing student body
All persons holding nursing degrees from Miami-Dade College School of Nursing, by virtue of this, are members of the School of Nursing Alumni Association, and are welcome to participate on the School of Nursing Alumni Board. In addition, matriculated School of Nursing juniors, seniors, and graduate students are also eligible.
Florence Verna, 1st VP
Earl Wilson, 2nd VP
Shellaine Coakley, Secretary
Dr. Helen Bhagwandin, Advisor
Alpha Beta Epsilon at-Large is the newly established official chapter of Sigma at Miami Dade College and Baptist Health. This chapter is part of a prestigious international honor society of Nursing. Student members are selected for induction for ranking within the top 35% of their RN-BSN class. Sigma is an international community of nurses, dedicated to the advancement of knowledge, teaching, learning, and service through the cultivation of communities of practice, education, and research. For further information, please contact our chapter at
The Florida Nursing Student Association is a professional organization that informs students of current issues in nursing and provides
opportunities to participate in the change process on a local, state, and national level. The experience enhances leadership skills and employment opportunities. Members become active in community projects and campus committees.
Marie Etienne
Barbara Popola
The Health Information Management Student Association is composed of students from the health information management, coder-biller
specialist and medical transcription programs. HIMSA’s goal is to enhance its members’ educational experience by keeping them abreast of
activities, seminars, conventions, annual state meetings and employment opportunities.
Advisor: Mary Worsley
The Laboratory Science Student Association is open to all full- and part-time students enrolled in the medical laboratory technology program on the Medical Campus. The main function of the group is to promote visibility of the MLT program while promoting cohesion among its members. Activities that raise funds and foster volunteerism are integral tenets of the organization.
Advisor: Joan McLaughlin
Phi Theta Kappa is the scholastic honor society for students attending two-year colleges. Founded in 1918, it is the only internationally acclaimed honor society serving institutions which offer associate degree programs. The Medical Campus PTK chapter is Alpha Gamma Delta.
Advisor: Ileana S. Pino
Co-advisors: Jemimah Mitchell, Heather Braithwaite
P: 305-237-4010
Membership in the Physical Therapist Assistant Club is available to all students in the physical therapist assistant program. Participation in the club enhances members’ exposure to professional and career issues in physical therapy.
The Physician Assistant Student Organization (PASO) is a group assembled and initiated by students in the Miami Dade College Physician Assistant Program and overseen by a faculty committee from MDC’s PA Program. The goal of PASO is to provide structure and guidance within each matriculating class while promoting academic achievement, clinical excellence, and service to the community. PASO coordinates and assists in intramural events within the physician assistant program as well as extracurricular community activities such as Project SEED, MDC’s Health Fair, and events with the American Association of Physician Associates (AAPA) and the Florida Academy of Physician Assistants (FAPA).
Committee Chair: Dr. Nicholas Massimini
P: 305-237-4420
The Student American Dental Hygienists’ Association is dedicated to building the ethical and educational future of the profession. Involvement in the association provides the student with the opportunity of previewing a professional career in dental hygiene.
Advisor: Susan Kass
The Student Association of Medical Sonographers provides a forum to discuss related issues and to stay current in ultrasound technology. Members have the opportunity to interact and network with other professional organizations.
Advisor: Dalia Sanchez-Suarez
OADN is the only national organization dedicated to associate degree nursing. As the leading advocate for Associate Degree Nursing, OADN promotes academic progression of graduates in furthering education to reach their maximum professional potential. For additional information, please visit
Florida Chapter President: Dr. Valerie Browne
P: 305-237-4051
Student Government Association (SGA)

Student Government Association
The Student Government Association is the voice of the student body. Its role is to address the concerns and issues of students attending MDC Medical Campus.
Members represent the student body at campus and college-wide meetings. They also develop teamwork, leadership and organizational skills that are vital in today's competitive job market.