Campus Services

The Campus Services Department ensures that the campus is a clean and safe place to work and study. Additionally, Campus Services is responsible for mail delivery and duplication services.
The Campus Services Department is responsible for the following areas: PBX (Operator), Custodial, Duplicating (Quick Copy Center), Mailroom, Maintenance and Public Safety.
Custodial Department
The Custodial Department is responsible for providing a clean and healthy environment for our students and employees, preparing and setting up for special events, and providing delivery of archives to the College's warehouse.
Custodial Services Work Orders are to be used solely for the following:
- Event Set-up. Please note that the Set-up hours are Monday to Friday from 7:00am to 3:30pm only.
- Set-up of tables for visiting organizations or Campus Departments (exact time should be stated on the work order; if no one claimed/used the table within an hour of placement, it will be removed and the event will be considered cancelled)
- Moving furniture (only with the authorization of the Facilities Planner)
- Requesting materials that are in storage or sending boxes to storage (only archives may be stored)
- Moving of any materials/supplies in boxes
- Request for water bottles to be replaced
- Request boxes for moving purposes (should be returned at the end of use)
- Request quick clean-ups (in case of a spill)
- Any request to transport material or food to or from your car to the Campus must be sent via e-mail or Custodial Services Work Order 24 hours in advance (you must park in the Padrón Garage for loading/unloading and then move your car back to the appropriate facility which you have been assigned.)
Duplicating (Quick Copy Center)
The Quick Copy Center provides quick and professional copies of documents, flyers, and exams.
Things to Know
Quick Copy: All requests of 20 copies or less per original while you wait. If you cannot wait for copies, your duplicating job must be submitted as a regular request. Turn-around-time will be on a first come first served basis:
24 Hours:
All job requests from one (1) to fifty (50) originals, twenty-one (21) to fifty (50) copies per original.
36 Hours:
All job requests from one (1) to fifty (50) originals, fifty-one (51) to one hundred (100) copies per original.
48 Hours
All job requests from one (1) to fifty (50) originals, one hundred and one (101) to two hundred copies per original.
One to Two Weeks:
All job requests from one (1) to fifty (50) originals, two hundred and one (201) to three hundred (300) copies per original
Two Weeks or More
All job requests from one (1) to fifty (50) originals, three hundred and one (301) or more per original.
- All exams will be given priority and done immediately as per request.
- Any Duplicating employee currently attending classes at Padrón Campus may not duplicate any exams. The only exception is when there is no authorized staff present; then the professor is to stand by the copier while copies are being made.
- Quick Copies/Over the Counter Copies have the following limitations:
- For instructional purposes, a minimum of 20 copies and a maximum of 60 copies. For more please complete a Duplicating Form and allow appropriate time for requested amount. For less, please use Departmental Copiers.
- For non-instructional purposes, a minimum of 20 copies and a maximum of 30 copies. For more please complete a Duplicating Form and allow appropriate time for requested amount. For less, please use Departmental Copiers.
- Request for pads MUST be approved by the Duplicating Supervisor. If he/she is not available, please see the Campus Services Clerk.
- Any Copyrighted material to be duplicated must be accompanied by a Duplicating form signed at the bottom in the Copyright section. Please print name (legibly) , sign and date. This includes books that state that "some parts of this text may be duplicated for classroom use". BOOK MUST BE SEEN BY THE EMPLOYEE ATTENDING THE COUNTER.
- Flyers, Brochures, Programs, etc. for outside distribution (black/white and color) must have the signature of the Campus President OR the Director of Administrative Services on the Duplicating form. This form should also be accompanied by the Graphics Production and Distribution Request form.
- Flyers, Brochures, Programs, etc. for in-house distribution (black/white and color) must have the signature of the Campus President OR the Director of Administrative Services on the Duplicating form.
- Color Copies for in-house purposes require the signature of the Department Head on the Duplicating form. Please note that ALL color copies are $0.07 per copy/impression. Therefore, double-sided copies are $0.14.
- Color Copies for distribution purposes require the signatures of the Department Head AND the Campus President OR the Director of Administrative Services on the Duplicating form.
101 Independence Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20559-6000
P: 202-707-3000
Rules for Reproducing Text Materials for Use in Class
The guidelines permit a teacher to make one copy of any of the following: a chapter from a book; an article from a periodical or newspaper; a short story, short essay or short poem; a chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon or picture from a book, periodical or newspaper.
Teachers may photocopy articles to hand out in class, but the guidelines impose restrictions. Classroom copying cannot be used to replace texts or workbooks used in the classroom. Pupils cannot be charged more than the actual cost of photocopying. The number of copies cannot exceed more than one copy per pupil. And a notice of copyright must be affixed to each copy.
Examples of what can be copied and distributed in class include:
- a complete poem if less than 250 words or an excerpt of not more than 250 words from a longer poem
- a complete article, story or essay if less than 2,500 words, or an excerpt from any prose work of not more than 1,000 words or 10% of the work, whichever is less; or
- one chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon or picture per book or per periodical issue.
Not more than one short poem, article, story, essay or two excerpts may be copied from the same author, nor more than three from the same collective work or periodical volume (for example, a magazine or newspaper) during one class term. As a general rule, a teacher has more freedom to copy from newspapers or other periodicals if the copying is related to current events.
The idea to make the copies must come from the teacher, not from school administrators or other higher authority. Only nine instances of such copying for one course during one school term are permitted. In addition, the idea to make copies and their actual classroom use must be so close together in time that it would be unreasonable to expect a timely reply to a permission request. For example, the instructor finds a newsweekly article on capital punishment two days before presenting a lecture on the subject.
Teachers MAY NOT photocopy workbooks, texts, standardized tests or other materials that were created for educational use. The guidelines were not intended to allow teachers to usurp the profits of educational publishers. In other words, educational publishers do not consider it a fair use if the copying provides replacements or substitutes for the purchase of books, reprints, periodicals, tests, workbooks, anthologies, compilations or collective works.
The Mailroom is here to help you with inter-office, U.S. mail, and express mail services. We also provide you the convenience of having a drop-off location bin for your personal U.S. mail.
Inter-Office Mail
All inter-office mail is sorted by campuses and departments. Therefore, inter-office envelopes must be addressed as follows:
- Persons Full Name (Please print)
- Department Name
- Campus Name
Note: Please be informed that if address is incomplete it may cause a delay or misdirection of your mail. See sample below.
Deliver to | Department | Campus Name |
John Doe | Registration | Kendall Campus |

Inter-Office mail pick-up from Padrón Campus will be around 11:20 a.m. Mail will be delivered to Wolfson Campus approximately at 1:40 p.m. Kendall Campus will receive mail from Padrón Campus approximately at 2:00 p.m. the next day. Mail from Padrón Campus should arrive to Homestead Campus approximately at 3:00 p.m. the next. West Campus mail pick-up from Padrón Campus will be around 11:20 a.m.
Inter-Office mail pick-up from Padrón Campus is approximately at 2:00 pm. Padrón Campus mail should reach North Campus approximately at 3:00 p.m. Mail from Padrón Campus should arrive at Medical Campus approximately 12 noon the next day.
- For all packages please use a Qual number, return address and zip code.
- All out-going US Postal Service mail, less than 200 pieces must be in the Mailroom by 12:00 p.m. Should you have a mailing of 200 pieces or more the mail center requires authorization from your departmental Dean's Office or Campus President's office.
- Five Hundred or More pieces of Mail Require a Five Day Notice Prior to the mailing.
- Envelopes with metal prongs Must Be Sealed with tape to insure proper passage through the mailing machine.
- All flats and transcripts must be properly sealed.
- One Thousand or more mail pieces should be prepared in zip code order.
- Separate your out-going mail into these categories: Stamped, Inter-Office and Meter Mail.
- The equipment can only seal #10 envelopes, therefore please leave flaps open.
- The mail Center provides only U.S. Postal Services for mailing out and receives mail from all carriers.
- Due to Federal Laws unidentifiable packages will not be accepted and returned to the sender. If you are expecting any type of shipment notify the Mail Center via e-mail and include as much information as possible. Any suspicious mail received will be sent to the nearest Hazardous Center. Report HAZMAT to Postal Inspector General. 954-436-7200.
- We do not provide wrapping materials or envelopes.
- A new mail has been established in order to better serve the needs of the college. There will be a monthly delivery of mailings done to the Miami Dade School Board as it saves money and time for both the college and the departments. in order for the mail room here at the Padrón Campus to accept any mailing going to the school board the following must be provided; the school's location code and name otherwise it will not be delivered. Should you need access to the schools location and name, please click the below web site.