Changemaking Student Profile

Nelson Rubio

Nelson Rubio

Area of Study at MDC: Business/ Supervision and Management

Campus: Hialeah

UN SDGs of Interest: 4, 10 and 13

Essence Words: Engaged, passionate, inquisitive, informed, talkative, and determined are words I would use to describe myself.

Sustainable development goals are extremely important to me and of the UN's 17 goals a special emphasis must be placed on: Climate Action, Reducing Inequality, and Quality Education. Our society is complex and faces many issues but we need to be committed to fighting these key issues. Climate change is very real and is affecting our planet dramatically. If we want to leave a suitable home for future generations, we must be sincere in lowering carbon emissions, cutting down use of fossil fuels, using renewable resources, protecting our forest, and planting more trees.

We must also commit ourselves to reducing inequality and affording all individuals the opportunity to succeed. It is no secret the gap between poor and rich is wider than ever before. We need to put an emphasis on affording all individuals equal opportunity for jobs regardless of socioeconomic class or background, affordable housing, livable wages, and a proper education. A quality education should be accessible to all students and not just those who come from privilege. An education is the difference between ignorance and enlightenment, it's the opportunity to pursue a better life, and the key to becoming a productive member of our society.

By reducing climate change, reducing inequality, and affording all individuals a quality education we can make for a more prosperous world. As future leaders of tomorrow it is not only our responsibility but our duty to work arduously for the change we wish to see.

What does changemaking mean to you? How do you define what changemaking is to someone who's never heard the term?

To be a changemaker we must become the change we wish to see in the world. As individuals it falls on us to educate our friends and family on social issues, taking action to tackle the issues, becoming civically responsible, and a participative member of society.

To those who never heard of changemaking I'd define it as being an ethical, moral, and involved citizen. These efforts to push change add up and as more individuals follow suit, we can create a more equitable and prosperous society.

Why do you consider yourself a changemaker? What issues are at the center of your changemaking work?

I consider myself a changemaker by staying engaged with current affairs, spreading awareness on social issues, volunteering in the local community, engaging in my civic duties by voting in elections, and using my 1st amendment rights to peacefully protest injustice when necessary. Issues at the core of my changemaking work are the climate change crisis, social inequality, and pushing others to become more active members of our democratic society.

To be a changemaker, it is important to:

Have strong ethics, good moral character, and above all be willing to act to work hard to enact positive change.

What would you tell a student who would like tostart their journey as a changemaker?

I would tell any student trying to become a changemaker that it's important to get involved. Go volunteer in your local community, help out the homeless by organizing collection efforts, raise awareness on social justice movements, commit yourself to dropping your carbon footprint. As individuals there's much we can do to become the change we wish to see in the world