
Your opinion matters

Technical Timeline for Online Student Feedback

Technical Timeline for Online Student Feedback
Activity Timeline
Communicate key dates for term administration to Academic Leadership Council and Chairpersons First week of term
Open the Opt-in/ Opt-out forms for  faculty First week of term
Upload course and faculty data into Course Evaluations & Surveys (CES, formerly EvaluationKIT)* Two weeks prior to the first day of project administration**
Upload student course data into Course Evaluations & Surveys (CES, formerly EvaluationKIT) Two weeks prior to the first day of project administration**
Send communication e-mails via Course Evaluations & Surveys (CES, formerly EvaluationKIT) to all instructors for course verification Two weeks prior to the first day of project administration**
Chairs and faculty notify if there are any course changes and/or faculty assignments during the term Ongoing during the project administration period
Activate Edit Mode in Course Evaluations & Surveys (CES, formerly EvaluationKIT) for faculty to change survey administration dates Two days prior to the first day of project administration**
Send communication e-mails via Course Evaluations & Surveys (CES, formerly EvaluationKIT) to all instructors for managing their administration A week prior to the first day of project administration**
Send communication e-mails via Course Evaluations & Surveys (CES, formerly EvaluationKIT) to students of project administration First day of project administration**
Send communication e-mails to faculty with merged courses First day of project administration**
Send non-respondents e-mail reminders via Course Evaluations & Surveys (CES, formerly EvaluationKIT) to students after first day of administration of each project Every 2-3 days based upon of course start/end of project administration period
Send last day reminder communication e-mails via Course Evaluations & Surveys (CES, formerly EvaluationKIT) to faculty One week prior to the project end date
Include header in report for merged courses in Course Evaluations & Surveys (CES, formerly EvaluationKIT) (add child course(s) with class number(s) to the parent course report) One week after the project end date
Monitor inbox and respond to faculty, chairs, and students as needed Ongoing
Close all Course Evaluations & Surveys (CES, formerly EvaluationKIT) projects for the term Last day of term
Remove W, IW, and non-student enrollments (e.g. vssupport, vchelpdesk) from all Course Evaluations & Surveys (CES, formerly EvaluationKIT) projects of term A week after the last day of term
Remove courses with zero response rates from all projects.  Keep records of courses deleted. A week after the last day of term
Send communication e-mails via Course Evaluations & Surveys (CES, formerly EvaluationKIT) to faculty and administrators that feedback reports are available for prior term On Wednesday of the second week of the subsequent term
Send communication e-mails via e-mail to faculty that zero response rates were deleted On Wednesday of the second week of the subsequent term

* Course Evaluations & Surveys (CES, formerly EvaluationKIT): online product for student feedback

** See "Key Dates for Term Administration"

Notes:  First day of "Student Feedback Online Administration" is a day after the IW date of each session (last day of attendance deadline) of the term.  Last day of "Student Feedback Online Administration" is the last day of the term.